Syndrome of chronic fatigue, or Work or health?



The book of doctor of medical sciences, professor UB. Lushchyk describes the most actual problems of health of modern businessmen and their teams, and also children, teenagers, elderly and persons which work is related with tense chart. The leader of Istyna scientific-methodical center of ultrasonic medical diagnostics tells about her supervisions above such widespread illness, as a syndrome of chronic fatigue, or syndrome of manager, tells causes of its origin, displays, about ways overcoming of this disease by means of the newest methods which are practiced by a center. 

ilby MM.Karapysh. – К.: “Istyna”, 2000. – 16 p.: il. ББК 56.12 + 56.13 С 87 
УДК 616.145 11-0734-8 + 616.13-073 + 616.831-005
ISBN 996-95206-0-9

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